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Sizer or Life-Giver: Which One are You?

There seem to be two types of people in this world, those who view others through the lens of what is lacking and those who see great value in the personhood of another human being. Rather than attempting to strip others of value and worth, those in this second group choose to pour into others, valuing them for who they are. They encourage others, helping them to develop strengths and strive to reach their potential.

Sitting across the table, filled to the brim with women who each have some say in my daughter’s education, I could’ve traced a line to the one who seemed to view my daughter as a number, a statistic. Presumably measuring her worth solely on the graphs laying before us. Assessment scores, she explained coldly, pointing to the papers resting on the table. She went on to describe only the lacking. She’s certainly not the first person I’ve encountered, who’s sized up the person in front of her, whether my daughter, me or a passerby. Sizing people up into neat little packages of this is what I see, therefore this is all you are.

People like this, “Sizers,” exist all over. Sadly. Like the older woman who scowled at my daughter, as we walked through McDonalds towards the ladies room. Sofia was walking quietly, contented to hold my hand. What was there to scowl about? Nothing. She simply sized her up and found her lacking. Or the woman, who after realizing my daughter had Down syndrome, promptly told me the rest of my life would be miserable and difficult. I know the pain of being measured, myself. It’s even more intense watching someone size up your child. Regardless of who is the “Sizee,” the questions are the same. Smart enough? Hmm, don’t think so. Appearance? Lacking. Weak? Just sad. Poor? Hmmph. Encounters with “Sizers” can leave you depleted, void of energy. Angry.

I am enormously grateful for the many people in my daughter’s life, who value her as a person, seeing her intrinsic value, like God does. Like I do. She is valuable. Her value is priceless. Her worth beyond measure. Beyond measure. We are all beyond measure. There are so many people who build my daughter up, pouring into her life, into ours. Numerous speech, physical and occupational therapists; some doctors; some friends and family; and some passersby. People who genuinely smile when they see her coming. People who appreciate knowing her and as a result, enjoy relationship with her. Friendship. People who are life-givers.

There is an incredible amount of joy and fulfillment in seeing the good and helping people grow. Why would anyone choose to view others so negatively? Perhaps they haven’t realized their own worth. In some warped way, they line people up on a measuring stick, making sure they, themselves, come out on top. An endless task, this constant measuring. Definitely more peace and fulfillment in being a “Life-Giver.”

How do you view others? Are you a “Sizer,” sizing people up to determine worth? How do you see yourself? Do you view yourself and others as God does, priceless and of infinite value? Do you pour into people or try to rob them of their value? Are you a “Life-Giver”? God is.

“Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.”    Romans 15:7

2 Comments Post a comment
  1. Lori #

    It is my prayer that I am always a life-giver and never a sizer. What a powerful piece, thank you.

    April 13, 2011
  2. Hi Lori. I think it’s the natural pull of human nature to veil our vision with our measures, causing us to view others thru them. It’s something I think everyone struggles with. I think I’m particularly sensitive to it, because of Sofia and my mom.

    I often pray that God will help me see others as He does. I’m not perfect and I’m exceedingly grateful God is faithful to complete the work he’s begun.

    Thanks for being a life-giver in our lives, my friend!

    April 13, 2011

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